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Rights of peoples’ projects



In a changing world in which a lot of social and environmental conflicts take place, France Libertés gives priority to the rights of indigenous people to access their own wealth, in the face of today’s dominant system which destroys their natural resources, cultures and traditional ways of life.

 In that perspective, we have three main focuses :

– We support alternative types of development in harmony with nature and based on the principles of “buen vivir”.

– We work to strengthen and protect those peoples and their knowledge as guardians of biodiversity, a humanity’s common heritage.

We relay the universal messages of peoples in our modern world, in order to get inspiration from them and to bring a sense of humanity to our development model.

 The projects we support in our “Rights of peoples” program aim at protecting peoples’ collective rights to access their wealth and to protect the way they think and interact with each other.

 France Libertés has chosen to back innovative community actions which aim at preserving and defending their natural and cultural heritage, as well as promoting a better understanding of alternative visions of the world in our societies.