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Types of Water management


One of the main reasons for organizing the Alternative World Water Forum is the will to defend other solutions than those of the World Water Forum, especially in terms of the management of water and sanitation.

Given the failure of private water management by a few multinational companies, solutions such as public and/or community management have been put into place all around the world.

On 9th March, we discussed which types of management would be the most suitable and democratic for water, a common good. We discussed the appropriateness and public appropriation of technical solutions.

How to match technical solutions from above with local needs? How to adapt, replicate and spread local citizen-based organisational best practices?

On Friday, 9th March, four workshops were dedicated to various types of water management.

• Suitable technical solutions and their public appropriation

• The role of the citizens in water management

• The management of conflicts in water use

• Sanitation